Foods You Didn’t Know Contain Sesame
Sesame is a plant that produces edible seeds and can be present in a variety of foods. The number of individuals with a Sesame Allergies has increased in recent years. Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe so it is important for individuals with a sesame allergy to know what foods may contain sesame.
Sesame seeds, pastes and oils are a hidden ingredient in many foods.
Here’s a list of foods that you might not be aware contain sesame and therefore should be avoided if you have a Sesame Allergy.
Halvah (a sweet confection)
Processed meats, such as sausage
Baked goods: Bagels, Rolls, Burger Buns, breadsticks, breads
Turkish cake
Dressing, sauces and dips
Sim sim
Tahini, Tahina, Tehina
Vegetarian burgers
Herbs, including herbal teas
Flavoured rice, noodles, risotto, shish kebabs, stews, and stir fry
Granola and protein bars
Til Chikki
Sesame ingredients can also be listed as:
Benne, benne seed, benniseed
Gingelly, gingelly oil
Sesame flour
Sesame oil*
Sesame paste
Sesame salt
Gomasio (sesame salt)
Sesame seed
Sesamum indicum
Til seeds
This is not a complete list of all of the foods that may contain this allergen, we will continue to add to it through your recommendations so let us know what other foods you have come across in your area that directly contain or may contain this allergen in the comments below or through our social media pages.
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The content of this website is intended for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical or professional advice. Please consult with your doctor for any health related questions or concerns.